
Let’s lead in integrity

To us, compliance is core business. With our expertise and state-of-the-art IT, we ensure that our clients consistently comply with changing laws and regulations worldwide. So of course we apply the same rigour to our own operations. We made a voluntary decision to adhere to the heaviest regulation in the financial industry, and our success in doing so is certified year after year by a Big Four accounting firm.



Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten



Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier


United Kingdom

Financial Conduct Authority


The Netherlands

De Nederlandsche Bank

An exhaustive list of our licences per entity can be viewed here.


Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements

SOC 1 Type 2

Service Organisation Control

SAS 70

Statement on Auditing Standards

ISAE 3402

International Standard for Assurance Engagements

Common reporting standard

Under the OECD’s Common Reporting Standard, United must determine your or your entity’s country of residence, and whether you are liable to pay taxes there. If so, we exchange your account information with the tax authorities of that country. This is done quickly, expertly and with minimum disruption to your affairs. And we can advise you on residency issues.

FATCA policy

FATCA (the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) affects you if you are a so-called US person (US citizen or US-based entity). United must determine whether you meet the criteria, and if so, we must report your account information to the US tax authorities. This is done quickly, expertly and with minimum disruption to your affairs.

Code of conduct

Integrity is naturally at the heart of all we do at United. How else can we build a relationship of trust with you? When hiring, integrity is our most important criterion. All our people adhere to our Code of Conduct. Not because it’s imposed top-down, but because it’s their nature.

Concerns about compliance?

If you have any questions about our compliance or yours, don’t hesitate
to ask.

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